Our Uniqueness


We provide in-depth training in

✔ Theories

✔ Mathematics

✔ Statistics

✔ Quantitative skills

✔ Economic modeling skills

We build a strong foundation for our students to pursue graduate studies in top universities, as well as to develop a successful career in a diverse set of industries including banking, finance, commercial, consulting and government, etc.

Student-based Approach

Our students play an indispensable role in our department. They focus the core of many of our academic events. They co-develop research with our Professors. They help build our department through advising and actively participating in all of our events.


The number of our required courses is fewer than over 80% of the other CUHK undergraduate programs. Our students are FREE to choose their interested areas of study or to pursue many extra-curricular activities.

In Social Science Faculty

Economics is the social science that uses scientific theories to explain the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations. Same as all Ivy League universities and many other world renowned universities, CUHK Economics is placed in the Social Science Faculty.