Types of employers

Policy-oriented non-profit organizations, international non-governmental organizations

Some examples of employers

Our HK Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Red Cross, United Nations, Food Bank, etc.

Relevant courses


Find more info for non-economics requirements: https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/334/english/curriculum-structure/index.html

Study path

Try to work as an RA for our teachers who specialize in development economics, public economics, welfare economics, etc. They may be working on topics that are relevant for non-profit organization and social enterprises. You should also venture beyond just the economics department. Many teachers in other departments, such as social work or sociology, may also have RA positions for you. Their approach to the research topic may differ from our approach in economics, but the experience can help you to get familiarize with certain issues very quickly. You can always spice up your RA role with some economics along the way. These experiences would perhaps help you to nail down research topics for ECON 2901 and 4901 too. Also consider collecting datasets in a creative way for the social issue(s) you are concerned with. For example, if home abuse is what you may want to work on, then look beyond the conventional measures. Think of what innovative ways you can use to collect relevant information beyond what the conventional measures can deliver. Look into the relevant questionnaires and find out their flaws. Think creatively how offering sometimes embarrassing personal information such as home abuse can be incentive compatible in certain settings.